FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
What Model Orientation is used, Will Orebyte Models work in our Game Engine?
XYZ Coordinate System - Orebyte Models are Exported in the Z-UP Axis System. With the Front of the Object Facing down the +X Axis when applicable. This Orientation is an Industry Standard, supported by UNREAL, CryENGINE, RADIANT, FROSTBITE, HAMMER and other Game Engines. UNITY Users using the Y-UP Axis System may need to correct orientation. Users may need to export in a proprietary format for certain game engines. In short, Yes, Orebyte Models will work in many game engines.
How does the Orebyte Quality Level system work?
Orebyte features 4 Quality Levels for Content, and 1 Premium Quality Level which includes all 4 Quality Levels. The Low, Medium, High, Ultra Quality Levels each include One LOD Level Model and Four Textures. The Premium Quality Level includes Four LOD Models and Sixteen Textures. Scan Quality Levels include one model and one Color Texture and may require additional artist work for re-topology and cleanup. *Some models may not have all quality levels immediately.
Models are counted in Polygons Triangles and Packaged as LOD's (Level Of Detail) Models. Models are Exported in Polygons Quads and shown with tri-stripping for rendering purposes only. Basically all models come in Polygon Quads, with some triangles as necessary. Scan Quality Level Models come in Triangles. Each LOD Level has an Optimized Polygon count and is typically one half the size of the Quality Level above, but can vary.
Textures are measured in Pixels. Textures come in Quality Levels of Low 512x512, Medium 1024x1024, High 2048x2048, Ultra 4096x4096 pixels. Individual Quality Levels come with Four Textures, Color, Normal, Gloss and Ao. The Premium Quality Level Includes Textures from each Quality Level. Each texture is one quarter the Pixel Size of the Quality Level above. Textures are Reduced Manually to ensure the highest fidelity. Scan Quality Level includes a raw scan of the model with one Color Texture, Scan 8192x8192 pixels.
Models & Textures - Come in Quality Levels Listed Below
Models Quality Level - Polygon Examples -
- Low - LOD3 - 100 Polygons
- Medium - LOD2 - 250 Polygons
- High - LOD1 - 500 Polygons
- Ultra - LOD0 - 1,000 Polygons
- Premium - LOD0, LOD1, LOD2, LOD3
- Scan - 200,000 - 1 Million Polygons
Textures Quality Level - Pixels -
- Low - 512x512 Pixels
- Medium - 1024x1024 Pixels
- High - 2048x2048 Pixels
- Ultra - 4096x4096 Pixels
- Premium - 4096x4096, 2048x2048, 1024x1024, 512x512 Pixels
- Scan - 8192x8192 Pixels
What File Formats are included?
File Formats - Included -
- OBJ - 3D Format
- FBX - 3D Format
- TGA - Color, Normal, Gloss, Ao
- TIFF - Color, Normal, Gloss, Ao
- JPG - Color, Normal, Gloss, Ao
What Quality Level should I choose for our project?
Given the ever changing hardware and visual requirements please consult your Art Director, Technical Director and Programmer for guidance. If you plan on using an asset across multiple platforms it may benefit you to purchase the Premium Quality Level as this will provide the most flexibility for performance and quality for years to come.
What 3D Software Packages can be used to Modify & Export the Models?
Orebyte Models are compatible with the Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite including Maya, 3ds Max, Softimage, MotionBuilder and Mudbox. Models will also work with software that can accept OBJ or FBX file formats.
What 2D Painting Programs can be used to Modify & Export the Textures?
Orebyte Textures can be edited using Adobe Photoshop. Textures will also work with software that can accept TGA,TIFF or JPG file formats.
How are Textures processed, What is the Gray-Scale Texture Bracket in the Videos?
Textures are reduced from the highest texture quality level. Textures are not sharpened after reductions. All textures viewed on the models in the Videos are the size of that quality level. The Gray-Scale ground texture is a visual Texture Bracket. The Texture Bracket is used to show that the values of the textures are inside a range. Determining what range your textures should be in is purely up to your art style and visual requirements. A Texture Clamp is applied to the Color Texture to limit the White & Black values. Textures that have pure White 255,255,255 or Pure black 0,0,0 can give errors during post processing of some scenes. The center area of the ground texture is 50% Gray 149,149, 149. Orebyte Textures are clamped to prevent errors and can be adjusted by the User.
Do Models come with Polygons on the bottom to close Gaps and Holes?
Orebyte Models come with bottoms in case they are turned over. Yes the gaps and holes are Filled and Textured, unless specified in the description. The Main Body of the models are vertex welded. Detail Objects may be snapped to faces or floated to add more detail if needed.
How are files delivered when I purchase them?
Orebyte Models and Textures are immediately emailed to you after checkout and verification from the storefront. If you would like to have access to the files in case something happens, please setup a personal user account. Please email Support if you have any purchasing questions.